Surfy Surfy
Surfy Surfy
80’s Caster Tri-Fin
1980's Caster Surfboard. Shaper Bill Caster was an early adopter of the Tri-Fin/Thruster. Bump wing squash tail w/glass-on sides and ...
Surfy UFO’s tee
The Surfy UFO's tee featuring art by Geoff Gibson aka Lobsterwolf. clicky to purchase
Mike Hynson Surfboards via Moonlight Glassing
Spray it
Mike Hynson shaped blank with airbrush by Peter St Pierre at Moonlight Glassing. Always order color.
The Surfy Shapers who Shred: Instagram series
Check out the ongoing series, Surfy Shapers Who Shred on the official Surfy Surfy Instagrams: clicky clicky
A Few Surfy Shapers
Here is an incomplete list in no particular order of surfboards shapers who have made magic surfboards in the surfy'verse... ...
“Back in Black” Surfy 2+1 model
The "Back in Black" 2+1 Surfy noserider. Concave for getting nosey. 2+1 for and tucked hard edge for control in ...
Surfy Jedi Model w/cosmicness
The rare Surfy Surfy Jedi model. Shaped by Todd McFarland. Airbrush by Peter St. Pierre. Soft beak nose, wing swallowtail. ...