A Few Surfy Shapers

Here is an incomplete list in no particular order of surfboards shapers who have made magic surfboards in the surfy’verse…

Gary Hanel of GH Surfboards
Malcolm Campbell of Campbell Brothers Surfboards
Mike Slingerland from Encinitas, CA.
Brian Fredrickson of Sunset Surfboards
Billy Hamilton
Chris Christenson of Christenson Surfboards
Manuel Caro of Mandala Surfboards
Guy Takayama of GT Surf
Marlin Bacon, surfboard shaper and fin maker.
DJ Kane of DK Surfboards and Harborside Glassing
Shawn Ambrose of Real Surf, Oceanside CA
Terry Martin RIP
Todd McFarland of Sunset Surfboards
Roy Sanchez of Home Grown Surfboards and Tribute Surfboards

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