Pills Pills Pills

Kevin writes, small south swell + Hanel pill + breakfast burrito + yerbe matte + time off from work on a Thursday late morning = pure joy

New GH Pills in stock! 

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  • Kuka Ili Moku
    May 5, 2013

    Sweet Lord! Those are some beautiful GH Pills!

  • WickerMan
    May 5, 2013

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Anonymous
    May 5, 2013

    dims please?

  • Danimal
    May 5, 2013

    Ahhhh! I can’t wait for mine!

  • Anonymous
    May 6, 2013

    I noticed pills are sized a bit smaller. what dims would you recommend in relation to a standard shorty?

    • JP from Surfy Surfy
      May 7, 2013

      Size these between your chin and top of your head. Most people go nose or eye level.
      I ride mine the same height as me for the extra paddle.

  • Anonymous
    May 6, 2013

    This post is worthless without Dims! J/K. Dims please….