Stoked Little Bro

I resist spamming the blog with baby photos but this one cracks me up.

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  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2008

    The T-shirt label should say, “Just add water”

  • moon mom
    February 11, 2008

    Happy Birthday to J.P. !!
    Thanks for all the smiles !!

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2008

    Groms pics add just as much stoke as new boads. But the real difference is you can leave a new board in the car while you run into 7-11 and CPS won’t take your new board away.

  • Coque A.
    February 11, 2008

    Who would thought your son, Sally’s & Pinliner’s grandson, would ride a surfmat!?!?!? 😮

    Keep photos of the grommet coming, we love them!, you’re one lucky man J.P.

    Happy Birthday!


  • clayfin
    February 11, 2008

    Happy Birthday!

  • Who's Your Daddy
    February 11, 2008

    Obviously, a goofy-footer in the making. See how he’s looking back into the peak and seeing who he’s going to fade on takeoff?

    Happy B-day JP!

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2008

    my 6 mo old loves his…too bad that don’t make one to actually look like a real surfboard….hmmmm

  • Ian...
    February 11, 2008

    Happy Birthday you old goat!

  • Danny
    February 15, 2008

    My Wifey just got me one of those for our soon-to-be Grommet for Valentines day!