Shiny Happy People

Pictured here are the happiest, most surf stoked and friendliest people I have ever met!

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  • Nuno
    May 3, 2007

    I’ll make that happy face soon!!!


  • Who's Your Daddy
    May 3, 2007

    LOL. Nice PJ!

  • rob70
    May 3, 2007

    You guys are in the business of Happy. Imagine churning out exact duplicates of each board you make and never meeting the customer. Probably not very rewarding.

  • Anonymous
    May 4, 2007

    I love Japanese people. They’re funny characters.

  • Bob
    May 4, 2007

    Just think, if he got REALLY excited, it would have been the first Asian pop-out ever to appear on surfy surfy.

    If you know what I mean.

  • pushingtide
    May 4, 2007

    Wish I could see your site Bob with that kind of pic!

  • Bob
    May 5, 2007

    My blog is just a vehicle to deliver pictures of my daughter and questionably funny stories about poop and such. However, due to my many years of questionable cyber antics and inate fear of the gay blogger mafia, I tend to limit the exposure I provide to the cyber world.

    By the way, “poop and such” is the name of my new jazz orchestra.

  • Anonymous
    May 5, 2007