Jon Wegener’s “Gene Simmons”

Surfer/shaper/farmer Jon Wegener makes a version of the Mini-Simms called “the Gene Simmons” (ha!)
The Mini-Simmons is one of the oddest boards to sneak into our quivers.
 Dang, they are fast and fun!
Jon likes glass-on wood keels on his (single foiled for release) we like them shaped out of traditional poly foam and glassed up with classy resin tints (the pinline separates us from the animals).
It’s a win win for everybody all around.
Cruise down to Surfy Surfy, the surf shop located in deepest, darkest Leucadia, California and check out these stock Weg Simms for yourselves.
Yellow board is 5’0″ x 20 3/4″ x 2 1/2″
Orange board is 5’5″ x 21″ x 3″ 
Clear board is 5’3″ x _” x _” 
Or. for more info about obtaining one of these puppies email us at

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  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2013

    I like puppies

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2013

    Tom or Jon?

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2013

    definitely, cool board, cool colors, cool shape, looks like fun! but with all do respect to the shaper, mr gene simmons is one person i have the utmost disrespect for. so conceited! so anti humble; i’ve heard the guy call himself God, the list goes on and on. again all due respect to the shaper, and if gs had a decent attitude i wouldn’t be writing this… respect is something earned. good o’l disco gene. again great shape, great shaper.

    • gannysesh
      August 30, 2013

      Yeah, Jon should really rename this board to “Dead Gene Simmons (Cuz He Sucks)”

  • Anonymous
    August 31, 2013

    Lighten up Francis!

  • Anonymous
    August 31, 2013

    Dead Kooks is already taken.