Custom 5 fin GH Pill

The first Bonzer Pill from Gary Hanel.
Let’s call it the Pillzer.
5’7″ x ? x ? Summer mush beware!
Color work by Peter St Pierre.
Another fine build by the crew at Moonlight Glassing.

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  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2012

    That’s ah hard 1 to swallow.

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2012

    Reverse Thumb.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2012

    Teddy Rupskin called and wants his board back.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2012

    JP. Thats one real pretty looking board, your pa & GH both did a outstanding job as well of the rest of the moonbase crew. Have fun and stay wet. Peace, taco’s & olas.Doug

  • Dakota
    April 29, 2012

    How does it go JP?

  • JP from Surfy Surfy
    April 30, 2012

    Stoked to be on a mush blaster with the control of the Bonzer system.
    Going to put a 7″ Bonzer in it, felt a little slippy on cutbacks with that wide tail.
    Kinda going thru a non-slide phase right now. Want to carve.
    Color work inspired by my 4 year old’s pajamas.

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2012
