Tim’s Acorn Alaias Grow Fins

Friend of Surfy Surfy, Tim Hurley got into making Alaias awhile back. Here we have his latest creation in which he installed a couple of FCS Bonzer side fins. Surfy Sandra contemplates the concept. Surf photos are of Tim riding one of his finless Alaias.

Check out Tim’s Acorn Alaia blog

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  • Anonymous
    June 2, 2011

    Wait…what? I’m confused?

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2011

    It was only a matter of time

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2011

    this kind of reminds me of deja vu

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2011

    errrrrr alaias dont have fins. surfboards do. so what you have there is an outdated flat long skimboard with modern lil surfboard fins on it. it better only cost 2 bills or so otherwise its a rip…just saying!

    whats that daddy? oh that? its an alaia, its what hippies ride!

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2011

    I hate it when people make their own equipment and do their own thing.

  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2011

    dude! i’m sure its a lil joke (at least thats the way i read it) you remember jokes dont you?

    KY. for butt hurt humorless whiners. Thats KY!

  • Anonymous
    June 5, 2011

    What does ky even mean? You might want to use comprehendible language so others can understand what you mean.
    By the way, its commendable for people like Tim Hurley to create their own ideas to share with others.