Return of the Friendship Bracelet!

This is a photo of me at 18 years old and surfing in Mainland Mexico, back in 1989.
Wait, what is that on my wrist?
Why, it’s one of those groovy “friendship bracelets”.
They are back baby. Pick one up at Surfy Surfy Surf Shop in friendly Leucadia. Only $3 bucks each!

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  • If I wear one of these, will I make some friends?

  • pinliner
    June 8, 2010

    Hey that was my favorite Rusty. I wondered what happened to that board.

  • Anonymous
    June 8, 2010

    I hope that’s not a tri fin…

  • Anonymous
    June 9, 2010

    they’re not cool if you buy them

  • Anonymous
    June 9, 2010

    You buy them for your friends silly.

  • Anonymous
    June 9, 2010

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

  • Jeff
    June 10, 2010

    Yeah, that Rusty was actually a pretty magic board, I got a great water pic of Dave in the tube at N***a on it, plus lots of good waves myself.
    It finally broke in 4 foot Cuyu shorebreak… the pieces given to some lil Mexigrom to put back together ?? Quien sabe? maybe its still out there getting shacked somewhere…
    Boards like that made RP’s rep, though, 6’6″ pound pin, great template, perfect rocker, and yes, 3 fins…