Lynchies up for grabs

Pictured above is Peter St Pierre, Skip Frye and Wayne Lynch. In the early 1990s 1989/90 Wayne Lynch had Malcolm Campbell shape him a couple of Bonzers while he was in California. One of those boards has now appeared on ebay Australia.

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  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2010

    ok I have met all three gentelmen in the photo but the advert says the board is a 6″2″ – something don’t add up. but it is a good picture

  • brownfish
    January 16, 2010

    Funny, Skip still looks exactly the same.

  • Surfy Surfy!
    January 16, 2010

    It was a 3 board quiver with the same color work so maybe that explains it. I’m looking for additional photos. The art is really cool, all cave painting style sea creatures.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2010

    Holy crap dude, your dad in the nineties looks just like you in the whatever you call them.

  • gdog
    January 16, 2010

    That could be JP using his surfy surfy time travel machine, but you can tell it is really Peter by the paint on his shoes. JP would have rub out compound on his. Also check out the big wave poster above the counter. I don’t think that is north reef.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2010

    surfysurfyssurfshop needs a shingle wave for sure

  • Steve and Cher Pendo
    January 16, 2010

    Love this post and photo. Great times, thanks for sharing.

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2010

    That’s not Peter its the Dead Gecko