Scott adopts orphan surfboard

My friend Scott Storrs found this funky old Breezin 80’s thruster laying in the parking lot one morning with nobody around, so naturally he paddled it out and went for a surf.

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  • bitchincamaro
    August 13, 2009

    Breezin, I like that. Did anyone ever do boards with the brand “Bitchin”? That would be bitchin.

  • Blackwatersurfer
    August 13, 2009

    radd, riiiipppiing!

    I once got sent out of class for sayn’g “bitchin” during a theolgy class.(Uni high circa 85) I think it was something like: “Jesus was bitchin!”

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2009

    The world doesnt need new surfboards. There are plenty of old ones to ride.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2009

    Shut up hippie. Of course the world needs new surfboards! Moonlight Glassed Surfboards!

  • Anonymous
    May 3, 2011

    Nice cutty! Looks like the board still works good.
    I believe I made that one in 1984.
    Keep surfing!

    Allen Main

    February 3, 2013

    This comment has been removed by the author.

      February 3, 2013

      I found one of your boards up in humblodt and salvaged the foam into a new shape. It was pretty far gone, but the foam still had some life in it.

  • Jeffrey Tipton
    November 9, 2022

    Awesome. I just restored one. Historic board