
I like the outline and the 2+1 setup on this Rich Pavel surfboard. I mean, I just don’t like it, I really like it. You guys know what I’m talking about.

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  • Coque A.
    April 2, 2009

    I do really like it too.

    Seems like a nice 6’7” or something close… a good board to get with you to a warm water island.


  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    Well, it is yellow …

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    I smell what you’re steppin’ in

  • Lamont
    April 2, 2009


  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    I can’t believe you didn’t put in a red fin for the photo

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009


  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    4 Sale?

  • Anonymous
    April 3, 2009

    Widow Maker