Food of the Gods

Boston Tony’s insane wine drenched longboard.

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  • Le Vyusher
    April 1, 2009

    Holy Smokes

  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009

    wao !!!

  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009


  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009

    Not normally a fan of the longboard/bonzer thang, but that is some epic coloration. I hope the sun doesn’t fade that. PS — By your post title, I thought you’d have a picture of a carne asada burrito and horchata.

  • DP
    April 1, 2009

    what a stunner

  • Surfsister
    April 1, 2009

    Oh my sweet Mary and Joseph!! What a beauty!

  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009

    How could you ever put wax on that? That’s a wall-hanger.

  • Jonesey
    April 1, 2009

    It’s a resin tint so the sun won’t fade it. A nice bonus over airspray.

    That’s hands down the most beautiful board so far this year!!!

  • Maggie
    April 1, 2009

    you mean, Ambrosia

  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009

    Wow! Sweet baby Jeebus in the manger!
    Beautimus – Specs? Some concave up front? I’ve only got a dollar three eighty but got a serious need for some o dat!

  • Decay
    April 1, 2009

    thats my color right there! The first picture proves your not completely worthless! well done JP

  • Kit
    April 1, 2009

    What do you call that color in Moonlight-speak?

    Love it!

  • Anonymous
    April 1, 2009

    Black Cherry tint. Boston Tony is lucky I didn’t wax that thing up and ride it.

  • Nathan Oldfield
    April 2, 2009

    epic tint! crazy beautiful. congratulations on the wonderful craftmanship.

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    Hmmm… I wonder if anyone likes it? Seriously, the most beautiful board I’ve ever seen!

  • Tim
    April 2, 2009

    I’ll drink to that!

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2009

    oh boy

  • Beetlejuice
    April 2, 2009

    Paul Giametti approves

  • southsiders M.C.
    April 2, 2009

    A pure beauty! send me one please…

  • BoardSide
    April 2, 2009

    The best glass job ever!

  • Mark
    April 3, 2009

    She’s being shipped to my shop—“ah, yah, Tony, I think your board got lost in the midwest somewhere,sorry” I’m gonna surf the snot out of that bonzer.

  • Proud Father and Surfer
    April 3, 2009

    That is the most beautiful surfboard! I wouldn’t even be comfortable surfing it in fear of hurting the the art. Do you wall hang it or surf it?

  • Anonymous
    April 4, 2009


  • Skip
    April 4, 2009

    Wow i want one! I’m speechless! how do i get one

  • Surfy Surfy!
    April 4, 2009

    Bonzer Hotline 760-891-0919

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2009

    How much ?