New at Moonlight, Mandala Tri-Plane Hulls
Manuel Caro has been working with guru Marc Andreini to develop these hot little hulls with tri-plane bottoms. These modified hulls, 5’11” and 6’1″, have forgiving rails and can be ridden with great success in beachbreaks and other waves that aren’t Malibu. The boards pictured are for sale in the Moonlight showroom, you should cruise by and check them out.
Manuel Caro of Mandala Surfboards showing off his Andreini Hull to Marlin Bacon.
We’ve also got a new selection of Greg Liddle and other Hull flex fins to help you along on your hulltastic voyages.
See also:
I ate the hull thing
August 28, 2008It’s a hull ‘nother world.
August 28, 2008sweet rides alive!
love what you said about places other than Mals…they do work well there though
August 28, 2008sorry but
this guy should grow some and stop to
scam shapes and designs from others
very easy to order a shape from a guru shaper and then check and meassure everything to be a wannabe copycat
August 28, 2008wow anonymous, that’s pretty harsh. Everybody copies, nothing is 100% original. And anyway, I think you have to be pretty far along as a shaper to be truly innovative, unless you’re really lucky. Not too many beginners are going to come up with The Next Great Thing.
And besides, it says he’s been working with Andreini so I don’t think you should assume he’s ripping him off.
El Hefe
August 28, 2008Anonymous is another douchebag that “remembers when….”. Nothing’s original anymore. Everybody takes influences from everywhere. No matter if it’s surfing, taking pictures, playing guitar, or whatever. Get over yourself and get back to your Transworld Surf Mag. Read up on what you should hate this month. The rest of us will surf and live life, you “glass is half empty” loser.
August 28, 2008Funny.
Marc Andreini’s been inviting me over to learn how to shape these boards. He wants me to shape them. I love surfing them and I know many other people do too. He’s getting older and wants these designs to be passed on from master to apprentice. I’m lucky to be a part of a craft that allows one to learn skills and techniques from people who’ve spent a lifetime acquiring knowledge in order to pass it on.
I apprenticed under Pavel for a few years and finally got the nod to make the classic double-wing quad fish, i.e. the Speed-Dialer.
I shaped in the same factory with Wil Jobson, the originator of the Twinzer, and got to learn the formula for proper fin placement that’s been puzzling many a shaper.
I’ve been taught that this knowledge is useless unless we share it. I’ve been teaching 13-year old Griffin Stepanek how to shape fishes all week. If we don’t teach the younger generation how to make boards properly, the tradition of hand-shaped surfboards is going to go the way of novelty instead of necessity.
The point of my story is, it’s the journey not the destination. I’ve always been invited to shape with these guys. I don’t pay them hourly to show me how to turn a rail.
It’s been give and take as well. Marc and I were sitting around one day looking at templates and I asked him if he’d ever incorporated concave through a hard tri-plane. He said that he remembered that Greenough did back in the day and was stoked that I asked. We’ve both been shaping these bottom contours into our stubbies and the results are amazing. Just goes to show that if you’re open to learning, you’re opening yourself up to a larger world.
August 28, 2008p.s. I recommend using 8″ Greenough Stage 4A fins, or the 7.5″ L-flex. Haven’t used the Rainbow flex fins yet…
August 28, 2008Im a believer in hullistic medicine after riding Mr. Caro’s 5’11 stubby a couple weeks ago. When are you back in N. county? a couple weeks? 6’5A right?
August 28, 2008Hey Justin! I’ll be down next week after the weekend madness. Bring the 65A and a dust mask…
August 28, 2008noblesse oblige
I apologize to M Caro
happened that Im sick of lots of wannabes “designers shapers” around
August 28, 2008I saw these boards at moonlight the other day and they are beautiful!
Great job!
warm jet
August 28, 2008Look nice.
Good job.
I’d reccomend the gl flex rather than the Hull flex. Although both fins need tweeking by adding more flex.
a slight refoil.
especially the hull flex. that thing is stiff as chit.
Larry at Fins U is now making the greenough templates in volan!!!!!
Get ’em at Shelter in LB.
i’m still a newby but this is what i’m told by master Clark.
August 28, 2008Niiice sticks Manny. And even better response. Keep on shapin’!
dr phil
August 28, 2008This collaboration is a great contrast to the previous post about the rail stringer longboard.
August 29, 2008Beautiful Boards and a wonderfully wise, Jedi like response Mr Caro.
August 29, 2008It would just be nice to see Manny start doing his own thing. Don’t get me wrong, he seems like he’s doing a great job mimicking these great shaper’s designs. But it seems like that is it; Pavel speedialers, twinzers, Vaqueros, bonzers…
Thing is, Manny doesn’t charge any less than the guys who came up with the shapes. But more power to him if he’s able to charge those prices.
August 29, 2008Oh sorry, I just read all the comments and saw he apprenticed under Jobson and andreni AND pavel, so he isn’t mimicking, he’s qualified. My bad.
simon anderson
August 29, 2008Mr. Mandala please start shaping thrusters so I can charge you 5 dollars per board for stealing my design.
August 29, 2008Anonymous,
Just because the majority of the surfing public wants these 4 style of boards at this present time doesn’t mean that it is all the man shapes. What was the last board you ordered and from who? Was it a fish, bonzer, twin, quad, log, or thruster? If it had fins your shaper copied the idea from Tom Blake and is not doing his own thing.
If it was a fish i bet it looked like a lis but not shaped by him, a bonzer prob had 5 fins and looked like a MC board(maybe shaped by him but prob no because your flinching on price), a twin maybe looked like an MR but shaped by someone other than MR, a quad i bet that thing has double wings and looks just like a dialer, Tri fin geez that thing seem to have a lot in common with that one guys design whats his name? oh yeah simon anderson.
Point is we get inspiration from great people along the way and how we use that is up to us.
I saw Manny/Pickles project he was working on a couple weeks ago and it was pretty F’n unique. But what the hell do i know im just a trendy fish riding junky.
August 29, 2008Mammy’s double bump fish is my “go-to” board up here, and has been from the moment I got on it two years ago….. With a change of fins it handles the double overhead days very well as it does head high waves.
Hmmmm a tri-plane …….;-)
July 15, 2009Nothing else matters except how these boards perform. I took a chance and oredered a hull from Manny last year. One word…..magic!
Gary Gibson