12K , twelve thousand , a thousand twelve times, a hundred days in a row 120 times, 9ine leap year days, three waves a day~36,000 rides, 20 miles round trip to the beach~240,000 miles =24 laps around the world Kind of hard to put into perspective~ until you remember Moonlight Glassing since 1979 Think of the thousands of stoked customers?! I’m proud to be one of them
“Moonlight Glassing” glass shop to Thee Hardcore I take them surfing~ Daily
July 12, 2008if my maths are correct thats almost a surf everyday for 33 years…. go on!
July 12, 2008Not almost. The Daily Wavester has surfed 12,000 days straight and still counting.
July 12, 2008Thats amazing
The Surfboard Man
July 12, 200812K , twelve thousand , a thousand twelve times,
a hundred days in a row 120 times, 9ine leap year days, three waves a day~36,000 rides, 20 miles round trip to the beach~240,000 miles =24 laps around the world
Kind of hard to put into perspective~
until you remember Moonlight Glassing since 1979
Think of the thousands of stoked customers?!
I’m proud to be one of them
“Moonlight Glassing” glass shop to Thee Hardcore
I take them surfing~
July 12, 2008so never ill or injured in these 33 years?
July 12, 2008Oops! make that only 10 laps not 24
Surfy Surfy
July 12, 2008Dale has paddled out and caught his 3 waves a day through sickness, injuries and severe weather. Surf stoked uber-gremmie or crazed madman?
July 12, 2008That is amazing. I think I saw something about him om TV years ago.
July 12, 2008Congrats, and I hope you get great waves for your next 12,000!
July 12, 2008You da man DALE!!
that guy
July 13, 2008Yep , I’ve said it before n I’ll say it again.You … are … the …man. Long may you run Dale.