How to Shape Surfboards Properly

Gary Larson made this video of Terry Martin shaping at Fort Hobie in Dana Point California.

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  • Anonymous
    February 2, 2008

    That was great. Thanks for posting that one!

  • Lindell
    February 2, 2008

    The only thing that would have made that better is if he would have signed it for Lindell.
    Great video!
    Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    February 2, 2008

    Step One: Shape a bazillion boards.

    Step Two…

  • Anonymous
    February 2, 2008

    He’s one of our treasures! Protect our hand-shapers – they are one of our last remaining truly Southern Californian artisans. Buy local!

  • Coque A.
    February 2, 2008

    I know the shipping costs must be sick but i can’t die without a noserider shaped by Terry… or maybe a board involving Terry and Mr Cherry (on the top of my wanted list).

    Thanks for the video.


  • Miles
    February 2, 2008

    god that’s a cool inside look – bing bang boom Mr Martin

  • Surfer Labor
    February 2, 2008

    Coque with the strong Euro and the weak US dollar you should just fly out to California for a week and fill up a boardbag to take back with you.

  • lag
    February 2, 2008

    Those pictures of him in Surfers Journal like 4 years ago are iconic. Legend.

  • kit7873
    February 3, 2008

    I wonder how long the entire session was? 2 hours?

    I watched Marc Andreini shape a 7’7″ from scratch a couple of weeks ago. 2 hours total.

    Thanks for the video!

  • Anonymous
    February 3, 2008

    I have a 11’0″ T. Martin the glide is insane… Long Live T. Martin!

  • reverb
    February 3, 2008

    …just finished a fish shape
    and yes 2 hours is the minimun to a custom order
    sometimes intrincated shapes with concaves blends, fish tails, channels, chines, step decks, etc carry more time
    sometimes 4 hours
    is not the same start with a blank with a custom rocker that you put (shape) the desired rocker in the blank
    is not the same to start with a repetition order ( a la Becker for ex) than to do a pure custom doing every outline for every one of the customers
    is not the same checking the blank and taking measurements in the middle of the shaping process than only measure when its finished!! (like most do)
    -you wonder how unbalanced and not firmly in the racks are a lot of shapes

    is not the same mow foam than shaping a board; mowing is part of the shaping process

    I wonder and sometimes laughs the way that MOST shapers start to shape a blank
    almost always pass the planer in the same way no matter the blank
    thats depend on which type of bottom you designed and the way tha bottom is blended in betweens
    and is not the same doing this on a close tolerance blank than in a normal one
    sometimes you dont even need to get rid of the crust (due to the thickness)
    man, and Im not a master like TM..

    –good on T Martin

    hey JP you re in fire in Swaylocks, fella
    keep on going!

  • Coque A.
    February 3, 2008

    You’re right JP, but i just checked (one more time) a plane ticket to Sandy Ego and it was around 1300.00 euros… And you have to add the hotel, rent a car, food, flight company luggage taxes for the boards.. And if i’d make it with my wife it would be 2600.00.

    I’d love to do it, and i know i’ll make it sometime, but we’re now on a very expensive project, still restoring that old home, paying two mortgages. It’s not the best time for us i think.

    So tell Terry Martin he can’t quit for some time.

    By the way, the short pant / Ugg boots combo always put a smile on my face… my wife sais it must be a pain with the foam dust inside those boots!


  • Anonymous
    February 4, 2008

    Terry can make anything.
    – –
    – –
    – _
    – Terry can make anything.
    – _ _
    – – * _
    – – _
    — ““““““““` —