Daniel Jones Bonzer featured in Surfing Magazine




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  • Nuno
    February 1, 2008


    In the last issue of “Transworld Surf” therewas a very tendencious and superficial “article” about fins. Did anyone notice the sarcasm when it was mention the 5 fin Bonzer?

    “-The Five Finned Bonzer will make a comeback!……. Just kidding.”
    Page 166, Dave Prodan, in Transworld Surf”

    This guys should be more cultured, specially if they write for mags


  • Anonymous
    February 1, 2008

    I read that crap too…well put nuno!!!

  • Anonymous
    February 1, 2008

    See J.P. even Surfing mag publishes the dims.

  • Salty
    February 1, 2008

    the article was more advertising than editorial seeing as how it only discussed things that the 2 companies “featured”(paid to be there) were working on. Keep an eye out and you will see this in every advertiser supported surf magazine.

    And the 5 fin bonzer doesn’t need a comeback, it never went anywhere.

  • Anonymous
    February 1, 2008

    I never even heard of Daniel Jones until a week ago and now he is one of my favorite surfers. Duncan better comp his next breakfast.

  • Who's Your Daddy
    February 1, 2008

    …and the wait times will get longer and longer and longer…Good thing I’ve got 6 of ’em already on my rack!

  • Anonymous
    February 1, 2008

    when nobody knows its a buy. When its popular with cheeseballs it’s a sell. Surfy surfy= sold

  • eggman
    February 1, 2008

    This has been a slow process, very grassroots. Taking someone’s thruster and changing it to a 5fin Bonzer behind the Cafe’ is a make or break deal. Either it works better, or I loose. There is no turning back after that. This is what I like about building surfboards, taking a chance, like pulling into a big tube not sure what’s ……

  • TR
    February 1, 2008

    I’ve had three thrusters converted to 5-fins at Cafe and what were good boards became great. A friend had a 100% lemon asymmetrical “modern” single-fin converted and suddenly it could go.

    But there’s northing like a B5 shaped by Malcolm. Hope this article opens more eyes and more people have more fun!

  • Anonymous
    February 2, 2008

    Salty got it right, the Bonzer never left… I seem to rememeber some shots/discussion of Tom Curren, Davey Miller and several others poping up in the mags circa mid 90s. What could be said is that the design only gets magazine props once a decade.

  • Salty
    February 5, 2008

    Here is a funny tidbit, in the newest Transworld Surf (April 2008) Mick Fanning has a 5 fin bonzer in his quivers feature.

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2011

    I had a five fin made with Pro Box fin systems four years ago and it handles unlike any other board ive ever ridden…. so versatile it never gets old!