Fortunate Son

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  • Coque A.
    February 7, 2008

    Power for peace?

    Am i missing something or does he really mean “power for oil”?


  • Anonymous
    February 7, 2008

    It’s from WWII

  • Anonymous
    February 7, 2008

    shut the hell up with that shit Coque a. “Go Joe!!!!” Moonlight is in San Diego not San Fransico. Remember that.

  • justin
    February 7, 2008

    anonymous post are pretty GAIGH. Aaron, go surf that thing already!

  • Coque A.
    February 7, 2008

    “It’s from WWII”

    That makes much more sense… in that case, my most sincere apologies.

    By the way if anyone wants to tell me to shut up, at least he should write his name. I’ll continue to speak my mind no matter where, even on this, my favorite surf blog, where i’ve never before posted any “negative” coment, as i’ve never whin or complain about any shaper as many people like to do. Grow up and show your face when you throw the stone.

    J.P. thanks again for another stoke blog entry.


  • Anonymous
    February 7, 2008

    I don’t throw stones I shoot lead.

  • Coque A.
    February 7, 2008

    Shoot lead with no guts to write your name?, LOL

    You throw rocks and run away to hide.

    Don’t ruin this great blog with your shitty attitude, if there’s something J.P. showed us is that he likes people who speak their mind, and the guy has the guts to even post political entries on his blog related to his bussines. Way to go!


  • Justin
    February 8, 2008

    i bet hes not even a gun owner