My Top Three

This Top Three list has been making the rounds through the surf blog universe so I thought I would post one too,

Web Places to Check Every Day
2) Surfer Mag Design Forum
3) Cabinessence

Surf Tools
1) 5’8″ Malcolm Campbell Bonzer3 Stub
2) 5’7″ Gary Hanel Twin Fish

3) 6’3″ Malcolm Campbell Bonzer5 shortboard

Places I wish were my local shop
1) Playero, Puerto Rico
2) Mollusk, SF
3) McKevlin’s

Things to watch on-line right now
2) Tiki Bar TV
3) Ron Paul YouTube Videos

Surf films I can’t Wait to see
1) Hydrodynamica
2) Under the Sun
3) The Tyler Warren Experiments

People I would love have shape me a board
1) Terry Martin
2) Rick Hamon

3) Bill Caster(RIP)
4) Peter St Pierre

People of inspiration
1) Yvonne St Pierre
2) Sally St Pierre
3) JonMichael St Pierre

I think the Top 3 started with the Pinniped blog.

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  • warm jet
    December 29, 2007

    Tip O da hat, cat.
    Yeh, Ron Paul. He had me fooled for a second.
    Now I see his Ross Perot on dust thing for real.
    Scary man.
    Damn entertaining though.

  • warm jet
    December 29, 2007

    One more thing;
    These short Texans got so much to prove to fit in to their macho cowboy
    But hey, David Duke endorses him!

  • seamouse
    December 29, 2007

    oh my god I’ve created a monster!

  • clayfin
    December 29, 2007

    sign me up for one of those Pinliner shapes!