Groovy 2008 Surf Calendar

Shaper bro Josh Hall gave me this nice 2008 calendar. Thanks Josh man!

I noticed a disclaimer that read that no Photoshop was used to create this calendar, all the collages are hand-made and that it’s printed on recycled paper. So, when you pencil in that dentist appointment you can feel totally soul.

It comes with this sweet 2008 tide book.

Want one too? It is for sale online here.

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  • chip bynum
    December 29, 2007

    there are a few nice j halls @ the

  • pinliner
    December 29, 2007

    no photoshop? Then how come there are no sweepers in the Cardiff photo? They must have erased them somehow.

  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2007

    maybe that shot of cardiff was taken 20 years ago.

  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2007

    …but it had to be set in Quark or Indesign, and images had to be scanned. Aw I am just being picky – nice work.

  • Shelter Surf
    December 29, 2007

    Hard to believe, but all the photos are totally legit. The originals are available for sale through Hippy Tree. Thanks for the link JP.

  • Surfsister
    December 30, 2007

    Wait!!! What’s he holding? Do I spy bamboo fins? Sweeet!

  • brownfish
    December 30, 2007

    “no photoshop? Then how come there are no sweepers in the Cardiff photo? They must have erased them somehow.”

    Don’t dis the sweepers. They are my friends. As a matter a fact, They are so polite, that two of them shared a wave in front of me not less that an hour ago.

    About the calender, I likey, gonna order one up later today. G