JonMichael sez,

Happy Birthday Mommy!

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  • Surfsister
    October 29, 2007

    Awwww. Alright. I’m a mom . . . who surfs. I’ll admit the picture of your little man is much better than board porn. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Surfy Surfy!!

  • maggie
    October 30, 2007

    Happy First Birthday as a Mommy! 😉

  • Ian...
    October 30, 2007

    The kid’s already blogging? He’ll be polishing boards at 9 months. Happy Birthday!

  • ml
    October 30, 2007

    Great pic

    Rock, paper, scissors
    Rock wins!

  • moon mom
    October 30, 2007

    Happy Birthday !
    Thanks for letting us babysit !
    So much fun !

  • Chum
    October 30, 2007

    I believe that’s what is commonly referred to as “The Fencing Pose” that new babies do. See? I’m starting to learn some of this stuff. Only 4 weeks to go…

    Happy b-day!

    October 30, 2007

    do we know if he’s gonna be goofy or regular yet?

  • Paula D.
    November 1, 2007

    OHMIGAWD, that baby is friggin’ gorgeous. Happy Birthday Yvonne. Good work on that whole pregnancy thing, looks like it worked out well.