Making Surfboards for Friends

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  • Nuno
    December 3, 2007

    Looks nice, clean and functional… all you need to built good surfboards…

    Nice space!

  • LESider
    December 3, 2007

    To think “Making Surfboards for Friends” thats what started it all! That was where all the photos started popping up man that was the best thread in the history of the erBB.

    I really think that should be the subtitle of Surfy Surfy.

  • r3w
    December 3, 2007

    I picked up a Moonlight glassed Octafish at VSS over Thanksgiving. They all end up in the hands of friends eventually.

  • Anonymous
    December 3, 2007

    Nice! I hope you guys don’t have to tape off that whole floor every day. Yikes

  • JP
    December 3, 2007

    The factory is almost 30 years old and still kicking.

  • paulo jacinto
    December 3, 2007

    that´s the way everything was started to me…MAKING SURFBOARDS FOR FRIENDS.

  • Miles
    December 4, 2007

    looks like a nursery … very cool … it also looks like a morgue … where is MINE?

    i’m headed to Oahu this friday for 5 nights of earthly delights…taking my new/used 6′ Mandala quad (moonlight glassing froggie and all) and my new/used Rusty 6’9″ pinner…rhino chasers alive!

  • maggie
    December 4, 2007

    santa’s workshop!

  • Justin
    December 4, 2007

    new floor sweet!