Cult of the Squeegee

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  • pointsurfbaja
    July 1, 2007

    The acid splash on my magic dk flextail is mind blowing. I have caught myself just staring at it and seeing all sorts of beautiful galactic images in the swirling colors.

  • Anonymous
    July 1, 2007

    dude I’ve been trying to score some shrooms.

  • reverb
    July 1, 2007

    hey mate, this guy deserve more pictures…

  • Anonymous
    July 2, 2007

    How could we fly away? We are American eagles. Soul spirits of this broad land. If we flew away to nest on distant peaks who would remind you. You forget that this is the land of the eagle. This is our land. The proud, free, brave laughing land. Oh you forget. Wild creatures cannnot live caged Eagles must fly high and cry FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM to the winds at sunrise. – Tim Leary 1972
    This has everything to do with moonlight and surfing to me at least.