The Bonzer Big Fin

For those of you out there spinning out your Bumblebee Bonzers, the 8.5″ Bonzer fin is just what you need. This the refined and updated version of the fin that Malcolm and Duncan Campbell used in their early 1970’s galactic Bonzer space vehicles.

The Big Bonzer Fin looks natural in this 6’4″ Bumblebee Bonzer that is for sale.

The Bonzer Big Fin is $48 bucks. If you need one contact Sally at the shop.
Bonzer Hotline 760-891-0919
Moonlight Glassing 760-942-3319

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  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007

    man, that is a lot of fin, I have the 7.0 in my 6’4″ bee. BTW, that Octafish – a bee with a wing and a swallow eh?

  • JP
    May 31, 2007

    Is this fin neccessary for small waves?

    I would say no unless you are overpowering the 7″.

    If you are 6’5″ and 240 pounds I think a personal conversation with Malcolm is needed. At 5’7″ and 150 pounds I’m hesitant to give advice.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007

    thanks again!

  • brownfish
    May 31, 2007

    How about making a 5″ version for us weaklings out here. Currently running a 4.5″ standard shortboard trailer on my BEE. The board goes unreal for me with the smaller fin pushed to the back of the box. The 7″ and 6.5″ Bonzer fins were too much for my gutless turns. Glad I found a fin that makes the board a definate Keeper. But, a 5″ Bonzer fin might even work better. HMMM, did I hear something about Bacon. Bacon’s good.

  • kaser_one
    May 31, 2007

    that fin gives a whole new meaning to ‘beerection’

  • warm jet
    May 31, 2007

    I had an 8″ Fins unlimited which was very similar to that one and it held
    like a champ in hollow overhead beachies!
    The one thing Bee wise is that in the short tim I had it I never got a chance for a cutback exept for when I had the 7″ in and once I got it on a rail? Pop goes the weasel.
    Any cutback bee feedback out thar????
    wit any fin?

  • LESider/tim
    May 31, 2007

    that thing looks like it could disembowl some one.

    could you imagine if WHD had that on his board that fatefull day!

  • reverb
    June 1, 2007

    …well, I tell ya that I ride a 5 10 x 19 1/4 x 2 1/2 with a 6.5″ in smaller and bigger days..yes bigger days in that tiny bonzer

  • Anonymous
    June 1, 2007

    Excellent! I’m ordering one.

  • Anonymous
    August 1, 2007

    sold out šŸ™

  • Mart
    June 28, 2008

    hi, I ride a bumble bee stubbie 6’1″. Malcolm brought it over for me a couple of yrs ago to the UK.

    Unfortunately the fin it should have had had was missing so I ended up with a 6.5″ bonzer fin for the rear.

    This is fine > nice and loose in waves up to around 3ft and good fun for blasting otl’s off one after another on clean days but…

    I tried surfing it at a shallow, hollow reef with a steep take off and found I was face planting alot or spinning out at the bottom and hanging on, waiting for the bite to kick in which was a bit sketchy to say the least!

    I decided to experiment and took an 8.5″ skip frye flexi fin off my 6’10” single fin and whack it in the bonzer.

    It worked a treat and the board performs so much better with a bigger fin. It’s quite incredible the difference it’s made to the boards hold and overall manoeuvrability and def suits surfers who like to power through their turns.

    I’m now on the hunt for something to use for my 6’10” as I think I think a little less flex as I’m finding it slides out on overhead days with the fin I’m using?! I don’t want to go any bigger really so am going to try a more rigid, thicker fin if I can find one suitable.

    hope this helps

  • kike"peri"
    May 28, 2009

    very good blog friends.i love retro-surf!