Power Flower

First groovy board of 2007. Rich Pavel quad under his Choice label. Fabric inlay by Dave Dvorak. Airbrush and pinlines by Peter St Pierre. Glass loop by the FNG.

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  • reverb
    January 3, 2007

    …thats a very nice color combo…

    maintain (ing) (us) the groovyness for this new year

  • Anonymous
    January 3, 2007

    When i was little I used to go to the 5 and dime store and want everything there… now I come here and have the same reaction

  • Eric
    January 3, 2007


    Any shots of the bottom?

  • J.P.
    January 3, 2007

    d’oh, forgot to take a photo of the bottom. The rail color wraps the whole bottom and the fins system is 4 white Lokboxes.

  • Eric
    January 3, 2007

    I think I”m going to go with that type of design; a quad but with no pulled in/bump winged tail.

    Killer, JP.

  • Pestus Forkmeyer
    January 3, 2007


    For your new board, the inlay should feature plants that are nonnative to the Central Coast.

  • Eric
    January 3, 2007

    No doubt.

  • porkanova
    January 3, 2007

    Uncle Blork, wake up.

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2007

    JP, where do you get your fabrics?

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2007

    What size & dimensions,por favor.Looks like a longer standard quad.

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2007

    Shoulder Huggin chickens!!!!!!Nice board my pal Toby Sullaway!!-JH

  • J.P.
    January 4, 2007

    This board is 6’10” and it’s a custom.

  • churp
    January 11, 2007

    A+ in the leash plug placement.

    but you already new that