
There are a lot of things happening in this strange photo I just received from a crazy surfer in Spain.

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  • Bonzerbeliever
    September 12, 2006

    I like the A for Alto pressure on the weather map.

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006

    Coque que pringao eres

  • dani
    September 13, 2006

    The real meaning of A is Anticyclonic and B “borrasca” or cyclonic

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006

    Nice fins. Who made them?

  • J.P.
    September 14, 2006

    John Cherry custom wood fins.

  • Coque
    September 15, 2006

    I guess i recognized that girl, she’s the weather presenter in a porn channel here in Spain. I never thought she was a surfer.

    By the way looks like that silly fish fever is arriving to Europe: time to move to bodysurfing.