Lighten Up

Bonzer center fins retrofitted with balsa and agave wood by our friend John Cherry.

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  • vasco
    March 9, 2006

    amazing Jp…
    that´s true craftsmanship!
    the holes on the bottom are there for?

  • vasco
    March 9, 2006

    how are they finish?

  • Anonymous
    March 9, 2006

    Hey JP,

    Was that a one time deal or will John make more on request? I would love to one of those in my bonzer.

  • J.P.
    March 9, 2006

    If you give John a fin he will retrofit it for around $60. We are now leaving more fiberglass in the tip because the fins pictured are actually too flexy. The fins are re-glassed, hot-coasted, sanded and then glossed. I’ve just been doing a wetsanded finish.

    You can e-mail John,

    Drilling holes in the base removes a lot of excess weight. I’ve never liked all that dead weight in the base of any fin. Getting the center fin lighter helps Bonzer come out of the gate faster on medicore waves.

  • rob
    March 9, 2006

    Wow. Thats a beautiful fin. How is he doing such a clean job of cutting the center out w/o snapping or cracking the fin?

  • J.P.
    March 10, 2006

    I think he uses lazer beams.

  • rob
    March 10, 2006

    LOOKS like it. 😀

    Hey, my friend Andy picked up his bonzer from you the other week, an army green 7 footer…

  • vasco
    March 10, 2006

    laser beams? you ´re joking? right…

  • surfnli
    March 10, 2006

    why doesn’t true ames make the fins with a base like that in the first place?

    have you experienced any structural problems from drilled out fins? (i.e., base cracks due to fin torsion)

  • J.P.
    March 10, 2006

    See the extra holes drilled in the fins (center fins)? Those were a little over kill so I filled them back up with UV resin. I’ve had no problems with the bigger holes drilled out of the center of the base. I think it’s the way to go with center fins. If you have a drill at home go for it.

  • John Cherry
    March 10, 2006


    I just traded my computer-programmed laser , straight across, for a 1958 Velzey Pig, in pretty decent shape. Boy did I get the better deal! So now, I’m just using a saw again.

    John Cherry

  • rob
    March 10, 2006

    HEHE. Awesome fins John.

  • need 4 speed
    March 17, 2006

    I want one