12-13-14 GH EGGS
We’ve got 3 nice Gary Hanel Eggs in stock!
All handshaped by GH in deepest, darkest Leucadia, California.
Built by the crew at Moonlight Glassing.
Left: clear with volan foot patch 7’6″ x 22″ x 2 13/16
Center: burnt orange tint 7’6″ x 22″ x 2 3/4″
Right: blue resin tint deck 8’0″ x 22 1/4″ x 2 13/16″
2+1 setup, thinned out rails, beachbreak friendly rocker.
Really, really super fun surfboards to ride all day everyday.
When you own a GH EGG life is all rainbows and unicorns.
December 15, 2014Hey, where’s the Unicorn? ha
Always loved GH Eggs. Very nice looking shapes.
December 22, 2014Ha! Gary does shape such clean boards, one of the best egg shapers around. Peace, taco & olas. Doug