5’4″ GH Summer Pill

We like to push these GH Pills on people who surf slushy waves but still like to surf tight and precise. Sure, the tail is 17 1/2″ wide, but combined with GH’s performance shortboard rails and deep double concave Bonzer-esque bottom you can control the speed gathered from the wide tail and use that nice outline curve for some beautiful roundhouse cutbacks.
This one is 5’4″ x 20 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
It’s got a fancy carbon tail patch.
FCS Fusion system set up for quad or thruster surfing.
Online: clicky clicky 

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  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2014


  • Anonymous
    June 5, 2014

    love the fish nets SURFY SURFY SEXY SEXY

  • Anonymous
    June 6, 2014

    i like this almost as much as i liked the Steve Austin/Bigfoot episode of 6 million dollar man!
    that was awesome and so is this!
    hugs and kisses!

  • Danimal
    June 6, 2014

    What fins seem to be the Surfy favorite in these? Mine has Futures boxes…

  • Festus P. Orkmeyer
    June 6, 2014

    Those things really go.