Return of the Peace Pellet

6’4″ x 22″ x 3″
The Peace Pellet Bonzer has returned.
Shaped by Malcolm Campbell for Surfy surf rat Tim years ago, it wandered back into the shop today.
Template by George Bredehoft of Pure Corn.
Featuring fabric inlay, pinines, resin tint with extra deck patch, “circle of friends” TV Heads logos and a nice stringer.
It’s a groovy machine and in great condition.
$450 includes True Ames Bonzer center fin.
*UPDATE: this board is SOLD, thanks!

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  • ml
    July 29, 2012

    email atcha JP! 🙂

  • Mat
    July 29, 2012

    Hey JP, you have any idea what blank Malcolm used on this one? Thanks.

  • Electric Landlady
    July 30, 2012

    Is Porky seeing double or is it the Return of the Return of the Peace Pellet?

  • Tim in Kona
    July 30, 2012

    Peace, Campbell Bros. & Rock-n-roll…
    Bonzers = Love
    Glory be to God.
    Give thanks for Love…pray for peace, water to thirst.


  • Kuka Ili Moku
    July 30, 2012

    Wow…looks fun to surf!

  • D.
    July 30, 2012

    such a Nice Board !

    Can I buy It via the Oneline Store ??

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2012

    (Yeah, again!)
    – Waldo

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2012

    Such a fun looking little board, fueled by Bonzer power! who ever picks this puppy up will be one happy camper. PEACE, Taco’s & Olas. Doug

  • Tribecasurfer
    July 31, 2012

    Will you ship to NYC? If so how much for shipping?

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2012

    How much is shipping fee to CA 90502 ?

  • Thomas
    July 31, 2012

    spreading the peace. Digging it

  • Richard Nixon
    July 31, 2012

    Non surfboard related comments will removed. Have a nice day!

    That goes with out saying. Most surfers can’t discuss much more
    than surfboards and chick stuff dude

    • Anonymous
      July 31, 2012

      boo hoo wah wah wah

    • Anonymous
      August 2, 2012

      It makes sense that people would talk about surfboards on a SURFBOARD blog. I love surfboards.

  • Anonymous
    August 1, 2012

    Like Nazi Germany

    • Anonymous
      August 2, 2012

      The Nazis were big on surf blogging?

  • Anonymous
    August 2, 2012

    I always thought of this as a “Sales Blog” ilke Ebay or Amazon. I come here to see whats for sale.