The Surfing Madonna reappears in Leucadia, CA. Pray for Surf!
Artist Mark Patterson has installed the famed Surfing Madonna mosaic piece in the Cafe Ipe aka “Coffee Cofee”, Surfy Surfy and Santos Fine Art patio with the cooperation of landlord Keith Harrison.
Cruise down to 974 N. Coast Hwy 101 in funky Leucadia, California and see it person.
This is the original piece that was all over the news last year.
Union Tribune story
Photo gallery of the installation on the Santos Fine Art Gallery Facebook page.
June 26, 2012Rad! No comment from Surfy owner JP in the UT? What gives? The surfing public wants to know: how’d you get so lucky? Does Patterson get free boards and coffee for life or what?
Big congrats!
Matt Harrigan
June 26, 2012Is it just me or is she smiling more now?
June 26, 2012Surfy has become the epicenter of so many good people and things..
June 26, 2012Awesome! This art install is way better than the under the rock art install that cost 10mil and used a rock from Colorado vs a rock within Cali.
June 26, 2012I wonder if certain ethnic groups might confuse the Surfing Madonna with the Virgin of Guadalupe, mis-label this piece of art as “sacreligious” and call Surfy a “racist organization”….seems to be a common theme these days. FWIW, I personally think it looks fantastic and sends a great message.
June 26, 2012You are putting too much thought into it.
Gringo Frijolero
June 27, 2012@ Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:56 AM
By “certain ethnic groups,” do you mean white conservatives? I agree, they ruin everything.
June 29, 2012I think he means racist ethnic groups, Like the Jews!
June 29, 2012“white conservatives ruin everything”? What a racist you are.
June 26, 2012Their talking about this on the radio right now, headliners š
June 27, 2012I think its wonderful that a beautiful piece of “folk art” found a home. ANd I’m glad we won’t go up to the supreme court debating its religious value like the sideshow we have about the Mt. Soledad cross. Thank you for stepping up “surfy” well done!
Malou Rogers, music teacher SDUSD
June 27, 2012The Madonna is really such a fine piece of art, so cool that it ended up at Surfysurfy a fitting place for her to be seen. Peace, taco’s & olas. Doug
June 27, 2012So rad! Female Oriented?
June 27, 2012Your mother is female oriented.
June 28, 2012crappy art has to have a place to live too! i guess.
July 1, 2012i just don’t get the catholics and the mary thing? i mean read the bible (the new testament) and you’ll see what i’m talking about. catholicism good people but man thier so far off on the bible, unless they have a different manual then the bible that might explain it, then i do apologize. praying to mary, repetitious prayers, calling the priest Father, graven images in the church, and don’t forget to baptize a kid when he’s born HA? where in heck did that come from?!!! the list is Long, wow! where do they get this stuff? again good people, but they can’t Understand when they read the bible, guess there on a on a 2nd grade comprehensive level, how sad… i won’t pray to mary, but it is cool mary surfs!
July 2, 2012That’s why they call it Catholicism… The Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, and Catholics “are Christian too.”
July 2, 2012theology in the hands of … The thing that makes a Christian isnt the words the use, it’s the claim that Jesus is the son of God, trusting in is work for our justification (not anything we do) and in him alone for salvation, equating him to be God, incarnate. All other religions is about what you do to save yourself, true Christianity is about what Christ has done for you. Muslims dont recognize him as God, Mormons dont either without their mishandling of the true definitions of words (they change them to fit their “theology” to make them seem like Christians), this is the “religion” that first said Black people were of Satan, until BYU needed outstanding athletes to compete – i’m not making it up, do a little history. JW’s? Come on! Christ is Satan’s good brother? Catholics are Christian? Do some research into their “religion” and tell me why they are Christian? Do they need Christ to save them, if so, what the Mary worship thing? This is a surf site, Go to church to get theology.
July 3, 2012“this is a surf site” with Mary? LOL. hey you’ve read and Comprehended what it says in the bible, Great job! and Great post! saved by grace let any man brag š glad you know the truth but you gotta admit those religions do call themselves christians… be interesting to see if you Don’t post a religious thing, you probably Won’t get a religious comment(s.) so stick to the boards… i mean what do you expect?
August 15, 2012How theologically analytic can you guys get over this? It’s a piece of art. Interpret it however you want, but take the debate out of it. It is what it is, however you see it.