Friendly Little 5’1″

5.1 arc swallowtail quad :: 20.5” x 2.5”
White opaque resin tint. Westsand gloss. Rare Mandala surfboard with removable custom fiberglass fins.
It’s yours…

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  • surfy surfy
    January 3, 2012

    This board is SOLD, thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 3, 2012

    Bill Bo bagens charges

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    That was fast. Think mandala should do more fin boxed arc boards.

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    I like the original logo better. Not that this one isn’t cool. Dig the fcs. Just cause they don’t have as stiff a base and seem to flex more than other systems. That board looks stiffy stiffy.

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    I hate hipster boards!

  • Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    Then log off…

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2012

    WTF are “hipster boards” anyway? Surfer’s call boards like these “Evolution”, “Creative”, “Progression”, “Thinking Outside The Box”…you must be a hipster that can’t actually ride anything beyond a boogie board and so instead of appreciating the individual aesthetics of the shaper’s who are out there making boards that aren’t the stock tri-fin squash tail kind ( a “hipster board” if ever there was one), you’re bashing surfboards that are “different”…I’ve run into a number of kook’s like yourself who are laaaaaaame…well, I would advise you to keep out of the line up so as to not make yourself so horribly miserable with all the surfers like myself riding “hipster boards”…just be happy with being a no fun-no talent land locked douche and let the rest of us jam on these “hipster boards.”…you douch’e kook hipster you 🙂

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2012

    I only know boards that work for me and boards that don’t. Honestly I’m so old and naive I didn’t know what a “hipster” was … I did notice more moustachioed youngters in the water ,but didn’t pay it much attention.