Bonzer 5 fin surfboard cutback demonstration by Taylor Knox

Photo by John Frank courtesy of Duncan Campbell.

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  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011


  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    love the green fairy

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    Is He on a kookbox? Does kookbox make a green fairy model for everyone?

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    Thats just plain hot!!! 40 years young and making turns like this, WOW!! And the green angel art work is well a piece of art.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    Someone needs to teach Taylor how to use his rails more.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    yeh but can he do airs?
    who cares.
    very rad surfing.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    that’s all time

    that’s epic

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    Surfy Surfy has no affiliation with Kookbox. Please give it up.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    It’s an angel like at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    looks like he’s tracking….. in all seriousness, that is probably the best cutback ever- the center fin doesn’t even look like its in the water.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    Why would one need to turn in such an abrupt manner? Was he going to crash into something? He doesn’t look like he’s even happy.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    That would have been a better cutback on modern equipment.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2011

    if the comment above me is serious, hes HAHAHA retarded. 40 years of refinement buddy. more than the thruster. that turn wouldve never happened on a thruster. shove a tri fin up your eurethra punkass b!tch

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    easy bro, Be MIndful!

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    Could end up as one of my all time favorite cutback shots. Power

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    is this the thruster hater blog. what other surfboards do you hate? do you hate single fins too? do you hate other surfers? do you hate people who paddle out and want to feel comfortable on a board in life threatening conditions? oh! but it’s a thruster!
    you judge and HATE a person by HOW MANY FINS ARE ON THERE BOARD? you judge and hate a person by how many fins are on there board? this blog should be called Haters Haters. in fact that’s what it’s officially called now!! been going through this blog the last 2 weeks here and there checking it all out…
    you all sound like little babies, ” i hate him! he has 3 fins!” Hatey Hatey
    tell and teach your children to hate people who ride something different than you! teach em hate. teach em that we live in a free country? wow! you guys must come unglued and hate completive surfing with a passion!! couldn’t imagine what it does to you when your soul when you see a real you grom with a thruster? keep on hating hater haters!! Hatey Hatey! please tell us the boards we should ride so we can change ALL of our quivers so you won’t HATE us any more. and you will finally be HAPPY. and tell the guys in australia and all the other countries too.

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    Sshhhhy sssshhhhhhy yeller yeller.

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    Sshhhhy sssshhhhhy hater hater. I love when someone fire’s back at evil. A good man will never turn his back on evil. Do good and stay thirsty my friends;,,, I mean thrusters! my friends.

  • Nasty
    December 18, 2011

    I only hate paddle boards

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    Another washed up pro going retro…

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    There’s probably a thruster lovers blog that anyone could join in and circle jerk with.

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    “That would have been a better cutback on modern equipment.”

    would someone explain to me how that board is NOT modern equipment??

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2011

    Is Mick Fannng Retro? The only thing washed up is your mom. Hehe

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    u hate paddle boards but you love inland mall kooks? go inland my friend, i mean and i mean enemy!

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    Wow somebody impresses me for 3 seconds of my life. 3 seconds of my life. Wow!! who cares about your competition shit shit shit? Who cares, who fucking really cares? I don’t wow so important to all of you so important. Do you really care? Yes you do! I don’t not important on who surfs better who surfs worse. Fucking childish Kunts! Hatey Hatey I agree…

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    i’m not a surfy surfy homer, but i will say this….BONZERS WORK…PLAIN AND SIMPLE…and when only a minority know this, it makes it that much more special…..i don’t think the surfy surfy crew hates thrusters or those that ride them…it’s just there is so much more out there….and that’s there niche….and i like it! no gimmicks, no BS…just honest folks….my .02…

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    there, their, they’re – learn the difference and we might take you seriously.

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    Gramps needs to put the bong down and go buy a CI Whip and do real turns.

  • JP from Surfy Surfy
    December 19, 2011

    The holidays can be a very stressful time for people.

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    do you guys hate kookboxes too?

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    The Surfy Surfy Shop sells Bonzers as well as every other style, shape, and fin-setup. They LOVE all surfboards, Moonlight Glassing sees foam and loves to paint it, glass it, and ride it. Who in their right MIND would think thoes who have dedicated their entire LIFE to SURFING could at the same time hate anything about it.

    LOVE, MIND, LIFE, SURFING = Moonlight and Surfy Surfy.
    Peace, Duncan & Malcolm Campbell

  • JP from Surfy Surfy
    December 19, 2011

    I’ve been riding thrusters since 1979 LOL. I just don’t understand the drama that follows everytime I post a Bonzer surf photo.

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011

    just my 2 cents. but i get the impression that surfy surfy and there affiliates are ALL good! personally i think that when some people INSULT other people, or what they ride etc, the “other” people come back with an over the top responses. ie- “shove a tri fin up your eurethra puck ass bitch.” not everyone is gonna sit back and NOT type a response to that! and all that crap has nothing to do with surfy surfy and their associates. so if you don’t have nothing nice to say……. or if you say something hurtful remember your gonna get _____thrown back in your face by those who will not let you get away with your negative comment. when you start talking and insulting others your kinda representing this blog and surfy in my opinion. so be cool. merry Christmas!

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2011


  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2011

    love surfy surfy!

  • LtSmash
    December 20, 2011

    these insults are very common on the internet and are referred to as “Trolls” and really when it gets loud, ignoring is the best defense other wise it just feeds the fire.

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2011

    Mr hatey hatey…wait a minute.
    It seems like you are a little bit unobjective in your opinion…
    if you look a this blog there are 35 posts on tri fin and none of these ones are negative…so how can you assign a unique stupid comment to the surfy crew? your comment is a nonsense.
    relax a bit and go to ths shop, you will meet friendly people.

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2011

    read the 13th comment. a comment like that will get a reaction. look up dane reynolds on here… according to the people on here he’s not allowed to be himself, he has to be like them. i’ve been checking out this blog for a bunch of years and even i get the impression it’s bonzer or or the insult highway, trying to make people feel inferior or whatever. that’s not coming from the surf shop, but their cliental. maybe not 100% of the comments are negative, but all it take is one comment hitting below the belt… but if somethings not your cup of tea and your gonna insult other people for trying to express themselves in the water in a free country
    like that one guy (or girl) said,” your gonna get shit thrown back in your face.” so! if you can dish it out, you better be ready to take it! if you really take a close good look at all the post’s you’ll notice one common thing that is one person hits way below the belt, then the s–t hits the fan!! personally i love all types of boards. they each have a different personality, feel and “experience.” to the guy-post above me your saying the 13th post on here is positive?

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2011

    I couldn’t agree more on what this guy above me is saying! Yesterday morning there’s was a comment on here regarding “go and join a thruster circle jerk blog etc”… Then you should of heard the comment that followed! Must a really hit some nerves with a lot of people because it was so heavy JP/Surfy Surfy pulled it off the blog! I know, because I read it and saved it. So yea the guys right, “if you can dish it out, you best be able to take it.”

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2011

    Do Chatrooms still exist, because sometimes….

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2011


  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2011

    is he on a bumble bee?

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2011

    I LOVE BONZERS……………………………………

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2011

    1,2,3,4 and 5!

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2011

    0,1,2,3,4 and 5.

  • walrus
    December 24, 2011

    What really bothers me about the -net and sites like this are the folks hiding behind “anonymous”……if you want to say something, stand up and say it…..but, don’t hide…..

    what i want to say is ” happy holidays to all and yes, i ride a bonzer. and i would care less about dane and tri fins……..OK…..