The Brownfish Bodysurfing Handplane

Great bodysurfing shot by Jason Kenworthy via the ESPN surf blog.

Surfy Surfy Team Rider Gary Murphy has been handcrafting these super cool bodysurfing handplanes for awhile now. He has them totally dialed, featuring a really sweet adjustable strap. They are handshaped out of Paulownia wood which is super light and floaty (it’s what they make Alaia’s out of).
Bodysurfing has grown in recent popularity which is a good thing. It gets in the water everyday, gets you tuned in with the ocean and gets you heaps ‘o barrels.
The trick thing about these handplanes is that you can actually bodysurf mushy waves with them (which is more fun than it sounds).
For more handplane stuff visit the Handplane Goodness blog.
Brownfish Handplanes are now for sale on the Surfy Surfy online store.

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  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2011

    I grew up bodysurfing in North Laguna. It’s purity or no go.

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2011

    Bet you wore fins down at 1000 steps, trunks too I hope Mr. Pure Dolphin Man.

  • Papa
    April 29, 2011

    I’ve got one. Took the lad out the other day and he asked to try it. He laughed his 6 yr old head off riding shorebreak with it. Doesn’t get much more pure than that.

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2011

    It’s only pure if you are naked.