“Mommy shaped my board”

Surfer/mommy Valarie Duprant shaping her son his first surfboard.

Valerie in her shaper pajamas.

Valerie now in a paper suit using Moonlight’s side lights in the handsanding room to tune it up (very rare opportunity).

Valerie and her cute little daughter picking up the finished board at Moonlight Glassing.

We special ordered these rubber lined safety grom fins.

Waxing the frog board at home.

Valerie’s son’s first ride on a fiberglass board instead of a soft board.

Valerie’s husband Vincent gives the Frog board a test.
Read Valerie’s full blog post about this board on Eat, Surf, Love

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  • This is really what its all about. Surfy people doing surfy things with their surfy families.

  • surfmama101
    April 4, 2011

    Thank you, Thank you, Surfy, Surfy!
    I feel so honored to get my Froggy Froggy board featured in your blog.
    I’ll see you soon as I’m already thinking about my next board. I’ll come and bug you some more with all my silly questions đŸ˜‰

  • rip van sprinkle
    April 4, 2011


  • Deek O'Malley
    April 4, 2011

    That is one cool lady. What an awesome Mom!

  • J
    April 4, 2011

    THIS is Fantastic! so awesome

  • Old Kook
    April 4, 2011

    That’s so cool. I feel guilty now that I just “buy” customs for my kids.

    Really great. He’s going to remember his first board for life!!

  • Jason
    April 4, 2011

    Mom of the year!

  • Anonymous
    April 5, 2011


  • azuldeultramar
    April 13, 2011

    I’m with Jason with the “Mom of the year”