Fort Knoxy Knoxy

This one is for all the friends of Surfy Surfy who dig the blog and like the new shop but still aren’t convinced to ride anything but 3 fins. The Taylor Knox model from Channel Islands is a Surfy Surfy approved. It features a modified deep double concave Bonzer bottom for speeding around sections and carving up the lip. The outline is sublimely perfect and the rails are crispy and delicious.
This board features the Lokbox fin system and includes Taylor’s personalized fin template.
Taylor Knox has been a good friend for over 20 years and we are stoked to stock his signature surfboard.

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  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2010

    Where are the bamboo fins?

  • Anonymous
    April 5, 2011

    i LOVE my ft. knox! i actually have 3 of them…2 standard shorties & a step-up! it’s the shortboard i’ve been looking for!