Pity for Pop-Outs
McKelvin’s Surf Shop in Folly Beach in South Carolina, USA is celebrating their 45th anniversary with a “Pity for Pop-Outs” program. They will give you $100 bucks for trading in your lowly pop-out for a real surfboard. They are calling it “money for mistakes”.
McKevlin’s Blog
John T
April 24, 2010I’ve got a better idea. Send all the ones they collect over to kids in third world countries that need something to ride. Otherwise it’s just another example of American excess.
April 24, 2010..Never enter the ocean again?…except if we can rent it!!
April 25, 2010So what exactly constitutes a pop out? I always thought a non-popout is one that is done by hand-start to finish? But I hear about all these local shapers using cnc machines to rough out their blanks which they then finish by hand, nobody seems to bitch about them but isn’t that technically a pop out? I hear pretty much all channel island boards are shaped on a cnc but everyone seems to be ok with them. Maybe a little more information on the subject would help all of us out a little. Sorry for the ignorance…
April 25, 2010surfy surfy – always a good place for real discussion and thoughtful comentary!
Surfy Surfy!
April 25, 2010Take it from me, a lot of people HATE boards that are pre-cut on machines.
A pop-out is considered to be any mass produced surfboard imported from a factory of non-surfers.
Support surfer labor/1
April 25, 2010seems like a great deal. Maybe they could use the eps from the popouts for insulation in a home of an “economically challenged” family?
An essay contest: “Why should you get this foam for free” kind of deal.
Just don’t let the shop re-sell the popouts as functional riders, no matter how bad of a “kook” the potential buyer may be.
Today’s kook is tomorrow’s shredder!
April 25, 2010Well put JP
April 26, 2010thanks for spreading the right coast love. SC rocks (sans waves).
April 27, 2010I’ve been thru that shop and they are hard core about selling regionally shaped boards (Will Alison). They’ve been hating on popouts for years, so I strongly doubt they’ll be renting them. They could have been making money selling cheap shitty boards, but instead stick to principles. Thanks for the coverage Surfy Surfy. Cheers.
May 31, 2011Eh How’zit Braddah and Sista Surfa’s out dea!
So if a local shop, say a warehouse in Santa Cruz CA, owned and operated by local SC surfers, designs, shapes, and sells PVC sandwich construction epoxy surfboards, they are making “Pop-Out’s” and thus undermining local surf shop business and board makers and the immediate community / neighborhood and board makers who exclusively go the PU / Glass route? Lot’s of good boards out there by reputable board makers who utilize both PU/Glass as well as epoxy construction…I surf both PU/Glass and Epoxy boards…surfing in surfing…I’m not convinced that my purchasing one or the other is undermining any local shops…it really seems like a pissing match,,,kinda like with car’s, Camero’s v. Firebird’s…and having some Podunk South Carolina surf shop doing their anti pop out drive…and the attitude that if you’re caught surfing on an epoxy on a certain day and time of the year, people will tell you to take your epoxy out of the water…yeah braddah, whateva’s…I would like to see some uppity Hale boy tell me to go home ‘cus I am out surfing on my epoxy Fish…braddah would have to lay hands on me to leave the water, and that would be a life changing mistake for him…or anyone. I don’t care if people are out surfing on friken floor mats made out of Leggo’s…people should just surf, have fun, kick back, and not harass anybody out in the line up…Nuff Said…Nah wait, The Campbell Brothers…you braddah’s make great surfboards! Mahalo for your contributions to surfing!
Aloha a’ Hui Ho!