Peace Bonzer up for grabs

Howdy surfy amigos, this board was a custom Bonzer5 Octafish for a surfer in the UK, who due to unforeseen circumstances was unable to take it across the Atlantic with him. So he has asked us to sell it here at Moonbase, California.
It’s 6’8″ x 20 1/2″ width x 2 3/4″ thickness
Ridden twice. $575
Interested peace lovin’ surfers contact:
Moonlight Glassing:
Phone 760-942-3319

*UPDATE-This board is sold, thanks!

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  • warmonger
    March 24, 2010

    Sand the peace sign off and paint a skull and I will buy it.

  • moon mom
    March 24, 2010

    sold peace sign intact