Surfing at 1000 frames per second
Normally I wouldn’t post a propaganda film from a fashion company but the hi-def slo-mo footage is insane and I’m a Dane Reynolds apologist anyway.
Normally I wouldn’t post a propaganda film from a fashion company but the hi-def slo-mo footage is insane and I’m a Dane Reynolds apologist anyway.
Erik Olson
February 17, 2010Check out Dane’s cutback at the six minute mark. Bonkers! Really interesting how flat the rocker on his board is.
February 17, 2010Is he riding a Roberts white diamond board?
February 17, 2010nope, he’s riding the c.i. dumpster diver
February 18, 2010did they throw rocks to clear out the lineup?
February 18, 2010this is a great example of the modern movement in horseback riding. so many riders are going for the double stirrup and foot helmet apparatus instead of the traditional fare. back when Secretariat was racing, 13 children wouldn’t line up to pat eh carrots into the start gate. but now, with the betting off the track, pants can be worn even in the summertime. i’m just really, really, happy to see such denial of broccoli as an imitation tree. for too long it’s been cowering in the shadows of cauliflower.
Porkius Festus
February 18, 2010Anonymous is correct. It IS hard to play cello on a hypodermic needle with a petrified bat for a bow!