Surfy People: Mr and Mrs Cummins

R.d. Cummins is friend to all creatures great and small. Photo by Michelle Woo.
Kevin Cummins and his trademark turn. Photo by Shawn McNabb

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  • crackov
    January 21, 2010

    Those have got to be lockbox fins on Kevin’s board.

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2010

    Dolphin Chili Verde

    20 pounds plump dolphin
    30 lbs tomatillo
    16 lbs pasilla chile
    1 gallon chicken stock

    Cube and stew dolphin
    Peel and puree tomatillo with chiles
    Boil with chicken stock for 133 minutes.
    Garnish with cilantro and pico de gallo

    Serve promptly w/ steamed corn tortillas to Dave Rastovich

    Recipe courtesy Uncle Macey

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2010

    85s local to the bone. Knows his horticulture shit too.

  • Justin
    January 21, 2010

    “buckets of fire” keep’en the frothers in line since 89.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2010

    I’ve heard that screaming at Steve Ford, all the way from “turtles”!

    Right-O Matey!!!

    btw- My name is Earl.