Directions to Moonlight Glassing Surfboard Factory

If you want to drive out and visit Moonlight Glassing please do NOT use Google maps or MapQuest. For some reason they are wrong! Here is the way to get to the factory:
You are driving southbound on the I-5 freeway in north San Diego county. You see a sign: La Costa Ave next exit (if you are driving northbound on the I-5 you need to use La Costa Ave as well. It’s okay, it works in both directions.
You are now crossing the Batiquitos lagoon. La Costa Ave is on the south side of the lagoon.
See, there is the lagoon on your right. At the end of this estuary are the perfect peelers of the Ponto jetties where the surf is always good and the locals are friendly.
You are entering the city of Encinitas, ranked the 3rd best surf town in America by Surfer magazine. Gives you the chills don’t it?
La Costa Ave is your exit dude!
Get in the left turn lane.
Very good. Turn left to go to Moonlight Glassing. If you turn right it’s about a half mile to the historic 101 coast highway
You are now heading east on La Costa Ave.
Head east on La Costa Ave, the Batiquitos lagoon is visible on your left.
Enjoy the drive along the lagoon.
The busy intersection ahead is the historic El Camino Real. Keep going straight ahead.
Drive across El Camino Real. Don’t think about it’s violent history.
Heading east on La Costa Ave. On your left you will see the famous La Costa Resort where they have big time golf and tennis events. Tiger Woods, the world famous bowler stays there.
Keep driving. Soon you will be going uphill. Watch your speed, radar cops lurk.
Turn left at the top of the hill. This is Rancho Santa Fe Rd. This is the part where everyone gets lost for some reason.
If you haven’t been to the shop in a long time you are saying, “Where am I?” Don’t worry you are not lost. It’s just that the 2 lane country road you remember is now a 6 lane superhighway.

Keep going, soon you will drop down into the valley where Moonlight is located.
That big Navy radio tower on the hill lets you know that you are on the right path.

Right now if you haven’t been to the factory in a long time you are freaking out about all the new houses out here. On your right is an entire new town called San Elijo Hills. Crazy stuff eh?
As you drop down into the valley you will see a bridge ahead. This is the new 6 lane bride as opposed to the old 2 lane rickety bridge.
Cross the bridge, watch your speed because you are going to turn right at the end of the bridge.
Just as the bridge ends there is a quick right turn lane. Get in it.
Turn right!
Note the La Costa Meadows Industrial Park signage.
You have now entered the La Costa Meadows Industrial Park. Moonlight is just ahead on your left.
The entrance to our building is just past the daycare center playground on your left.
Pull into the parking lot, watch out for soccer moms and little kids.
We are in the same building as the Deli Cajun kitchen.
That’s the entrance to Moonlight on your right. Looks normal from the outside don’t it?

Hooray! You made it! Total trip distance from the freeway roughly 6 miles. Now go up the stairs and fondle some surfboards (and don’t forget to pet Moonkitty). Thanks!
Moonlight Glassing
1665 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd ste D
San Marcos , California 92078
Print out simple directions, click here.

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  • PageOne
    August 19, 2009

    post of the year!

  • rob70
    August 19, 2009

    Man, I love me a good moonlight visit. Looking at the boards, talking to the bros. Just be sure to bring a fresh surf report with you.

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2009

    Think i’m going to be car sick!

  • moon mom
    August 19, 2009

    Look for the Osprey fishing over the Batiquitos Lagoon !

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2009

    were those all iphone pictures JP?

  • reverb
    August 19, 2009

    …very good man,
    may be from time to time
    you would post other itineraries and views

  • Festus Porkmeyer
    August 19, 2009

    How do you get to Beacons?

  • Tim
    August 19, 2009

    “Classic JP!!”
    …good directions there!
    “Watch out for soccer moms…!”
    Ha,ha that’s too funny!

  • e.
    August 19, 2009


  • Tyler
    August 20, 2009

    >>How do you get to Beacons?

    Third star on the left and straight on till morning…

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009

    Squirrel !

  • Nuno
    August 20, 2009

    Lucky, lucky! nice place to live.

  • brenda
    September 22, 2009

    thanks guys,that was the most fun virtual trip ever !! c ya soon