Curren vs Occy

Billabong is having at retro 80’s heat with Tom Curren and Mark Occhilupo during the J-Bay contest tonight.

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  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2009

    million dollar groms – Jordy vs Dane in Round 2

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2009

    i dont know exactly where to write this comment so i will do it here. moonlight puts out some of the best boards in the world and they/you do it right here in the U.S.A. its just come to my attention, i must have been living under a rock, that the surfers journal is printed in China. i work in the local print industry and my brothers and i have seen a major drop in local print jobs being done here to be sent overseas. it used to be a major bummer to here folks sending the work to places like kansas etc. but now we are losing everything for the sake of the almighty buck. i wont be reading or buying TSJ anymore, at least not until they start bringing it back home. it surprises me that you, with the state of surfdom giving IT over to china, that you would overlook TSJ’s attitude to go the “print pop-out” route. thanks, Tim

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2009

    doesnt pezman ride a popout anyways?

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2009

    Those guys probably sponge. Matt Warshaw have you seen that kooks indoor soccer haircut. That guy could blast 15 foot stailfish airs and do a shuvit in a tube at backdoor and still be a kook.