
I loves getting fresh Journal in the mail.

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  • Frank
    January 28, 2009

    I let my subscriptions of SurferSurfingTransworldWater lapse. TSJ is all I need.

  • Tukhis
    January 28, 2009

    I love TSJ as well. If you’ve never read The Surfer’s Path, I highly recommend you to pick up an issue. For me, it’s TSJ and Surfer’s Path!

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2009

    TSJ is awesome. A great surprise when it comes. It bums me out though when they print big digital images that come out all pixilated…

  • Doc
    January 30, 2009

    Sad TSJ story…
    Longtime subscriber…
    Issue one on…
    About 7 years ago…
    My wife & I were both working…
    And we hired a nice lady to clean our house 2x a month…
    She didn’t speak English that well…
    But she was thorough…
    To the point of discarding my 1st 5 issues of TSJ…
    I fired her…
    Not out of anger…
    I just would rather live in filth…
    Than have that happen again.