The Big One

12′ Jim Philips surfboard. Didn’t fit in the rubout room very well but I got it done somehow. Epic stringer work! The guy who picked it up said it’s a rider and not a wallhanger, so shoulderhoppers beware!

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  • Real Jersey
    January 11, 2009

    Incredible !

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009

    That’s the coolest stringer work ever!

    Hey JP have you finished that 9′ CC swallow tail glider thing from a few blog posts back and ridden it yet?

  • Old Kook
    January 11, 2009

    That’s beautiful and even more so as it’s NOT a wallhanger.

  • tyler
    January 11, 2009

    Jim’s nickname isn’t really an exaggeration, is it?

  • PL_Longboarder
    January 12, 2009

    I am the owner – I asked Jim to replicate a Malibu Chip, complete with period fin. I custom ordered the stringer layout and, knowing Jim’s woodworking skills, asked for figure eight stringers. He truly is “the Genius”, I couldn’t be more stoked….and thanks to the Moonlight crew for all the resin.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009

    Figure eight stringers…why?

    Totally bizarre!

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009

    figure eight stringers… why not!!

    Jim is THE MAN. that is some gorgeous, quality craftsmen work. no one else does this stuff. no one comes close. Ask Jim, and ye shall receive.. and it’ll be even better than you thought.

    what is the weight on that monster?

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009


    That board is sweet! Peter, Sally and the gang are amazing! Enjoy and lets surf soon.


  • DB
    January 12, 2009

    Serious handwork.
    Those figure eight stringers must have been a real pain in the arse to get right. And boy did he get them right! Wow. Looks great!

  • JCWC
    January 13, 2009

    Dang, every time I think I have things all figuered out, Jimmy proves that I don’t.
    my hero (really). Beautiful work Jimmy!
