Need a Thumb?

A friend of ours bought this Thumb last year, but couldn’t get his chakras to jive with the Thumbness. So, if you think you possess the secret sauce to make a Thumb work give us a holler. It’s 5’9″ and thick and wide.

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  • warm jet
    January 12, 2009

    Big fan of the Thumb.
    I was thinking it’d be a cool experiment to do a
    Displacement Thumb!
    Maybe Manny’d be the guy?

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009

    I’m going to surf my thumb today. I’ll probably do a couple wicked 5-fin snapbacks, cheater-5 through the mid-section across the lot and go into a Gorkin flip on the inside and spear a SUPer with the tail because that’s what thumbs do.

  • surfatto
    January 12, 2009

    It’s for sale?? $$$??? tnks

  • Mofo
    January 12, 2009

    Arrrrrrrrgh! The one board that has tormented me for a long time now. This is one of “those” kinda boards. One that I have wanted to order for years… but then I see something else and pull the trigger and forget about the “Thumb” until I see another one and then kick myself for not pulling the trigger on ordering the Thumb in the first place.

    Eventually I will get one.

    How much $ is this one?

  • moon mom
    January 12, 2009

    Originally priced new at $750. Only ridden twice so now it’s yours for $600.

  • Surfy Surfy!
    January 13, 2009


  • Ian...
    January 14, 2009

    My thumb was a blast at reef today. Why ride a log when you can noseride your 5’9″?