One Cherry Quiver

John Cherry’s personal quiver freaks me out. I’ve seen all these boards, but to view them all together is kinda mind blowing. Hours and hours of work invested into these beauties. He surfs those wood boards too, not just for the wall.

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    December 30, 2008

    John has some amazing boards in his workable quiver. Love the fact that he wants the balsa boards ridden and not hung on the wall!!!

  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2008

    What else can you say but “Wow!”

    John Cherry is a master craftsmen. He’s got the kind of talent that would make him super successful in any field of design/craft.



  • Anonymous
    January 1, 2009

    any details on the bright green twin keel?

  • JCWC
    January 11, 2009

    Anon, The green twin keel is a brand new 6-9 that I shaped and had Moonlight glass for the Sacred Craft show. It is still for sale. I will post it along with another new quad shortly.

    John Cherry