Miss Surfy Surfy 2009 Crowned, Maggie Marsek

Photographer Maggie Marsek has been declared Miss Surfy Surfy for 2009. Her duties will include being groovy, identifying and documenting all things surfy, photographing me hanging five and getting head dips at Swamis and being kind to animals.

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  • pushingtide
    December 14, 2008


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2008


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2008

    ultra hot

  • Beach Barren
    December 15, 2008

    Go Maggie!!

  • Jamie Watson
    December 16, 2008

    Congratulations Maggie! What a cool award!

  • maggie
    December 16, 2008

    “Wow..I don’t know where to begin!
    First, I want to thank all the hand crafted surfboard makers. I want to thank those groovy glassers at Moonlight Glassing. And of course, I couln’t do this without all the surfers out there–Thank you to the rose-riders, long-board gliders, and short-board rippers alike!

    I promise to more than fullfill my duties this coming year and honor my title as Miss Surfy Surfy 2009..

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”