Jones Brothers E-Winging it in Indo

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  • Elliot
    September 22, 2008

    YES! Just what I needed this morning.

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2008

    I’m not sure whether I need a bonzer, or a trip to Indo. Heck, I’ll take both!

    September 22, 2008

    Enorme, un bonzer3 megasuperover magic. Le debut de la video il va a mach 4. Un reve cette board avec son tail et ses 3 dérives. Une tres bonne planche pour des vagues puissante et qui creusent

  • 23 Chips
    September 22, 2008

    Everybody knows bonzers are just a crutch for chicken-legged kooks like these guys to do real hacks like The Chips.

    23 Chips

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2008

    and a mighty fine crutch they are! but they always leave my legs hurting at the end of the session–and a huge grin on my face……said the walrus

  • r3w
    September 22, 2008

    goo goo g’joob

  • tim
    September 22, 2008

    crutch?…what crutch?
    The only crutch I got is the one on the end of my joint.
    Check out that waterflow on the bottomturn pic…! Nice job boyz…