5’8″ Channel Bottom Keel Fish

Custom for new Dad and soul bro Chuck the masochist. Shaped by Chris Christenson.

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  • Ivàn Osìo M.
    September 8, 2008

    The best fish congratulation.
    is beuti.

  • c_elliott
    September 8, 2008

    Yeah JP, you beat me to the post.

    I was going to shot all three of the new CC’s and send them over to you but the little bugger has kept me busy….

    Thanks for posting!

  • Kit
    September 9, 2008

    Hot Damn! A micro-wing even! Take this one to the high line…..

  • J.P. St. Pierre
    September 9, 2008

    Chuck send me the photos anyway, these ones came out kind of grainy. This board would have worked sick at the Poo Bar this morning btw.