Twin Fin Love

Local ripper and soul cat Spencer has been riding this mysto vintage twin fin for years. When it finally died, he enlisted guru craftsman Terry Martin to shape him a new one,

It was a loving recreation with airbrush and all,

Big double bump pintail,

Spencer opted to have the intricate airbrush on the bottom of the new board where it wouldn’t get covered in dirty wax,

The original airbrush painted by unknown,

The new replica airbrush by Peter St Pierre (lots and lots of tape was involved),

The original board and the mysterious JA airbrushed center logo,

Close up of the new airbrush,

The original wished for love and got it,

Glass-on Turbo fins, how about that?

Original shaper unknown, so if you know who made this board please leave a comment.

These kind of projects are one of the best things about surfboard building.

*Spencer and his Dad are the new proprietors of Mozy Cafe in Leucadia so stop in for a smoothie and organic burrito next time you are cruising the coast highway.

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  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008

    Wao …. one of the best looking board i’ve seen so far . Great job !


  • Lee
    August 13, 2008

    save our shapers man, this is what they do so well.

  • Surf
    August 13, 2008

    That is so sweet.

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008

    did you mean “funnest”?

  • Ivàn Osìo M.
    August 13, 2008

    Super bonita la tabla

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008

    I’m diggin it. Something about this sight that makes me want to spend money on gloss coats and foam. You Bastards.

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008

    How long is that twiny? Thanks.


  • jp
    August 13, 2008

    Spelling error corrected.

  • B-Muse
    August 13, 2008

    Do you know the story of how the original board was acquired in the first place? Garage Sale?

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2008

    From the Surfer mag message board:

    The original board was painted and shaped by Jeff Alexander. The guy who does those double nosed Gemini boards. He probably did that board when he was Channins airbrusher in the late 70’s -early 80’s

  • I *Heart* Fins
    August 14, 2008

    Those fins are gorgeous. Who made those?

    Insane boards!

  • Beach Barren
    August 15, 2008

    I want one! Who do I contact?

  • fred
    August 15, 2008

    killer! like an idiot, i sold a fish last year that i bought in 1984. wish i had that board back. i dont know who shaped it but the label said Star surfboards. i bought it at mitches, he doesnt remember. any one out there recall Star surfboards?

  • jp
    August 16, 2008

    Hopefully Spencer will pop in and give us some more info on the dealio with this board.